Friday 26 February 2010

My Title Block

Here are three potential title blocks that I may use for my magazine. Please choose the best one and vote on the left hand-side:

2. POPEAR 3. FUSIONI have decided to use number 3 as my title block and thus to call my magazine 'Fusion' as fusion literally means 'a coalition, production of a union', so in relation to my magazine, it is a 'coalition of different types of music', but is still primarily rock.

The colours I have chosen to use for my title blocks areblack and shades of pink. Black to emphasize the rock genre of the magazine and pink to reflect the target audience. However, I have selected to use Fusion which is a sold, easy easy to read, black title block which will stand out effectively against any colour background I choose to use.

Sunday 7 February 2010

Contents Page Analysis

The contents page for NME magazine is dominated by a single image of a band called Blur, who have reunited here for a London premier. Their body language suggests comfortability and friendliness towards each other and ergo towards the consumer. In contrary, their mode of indirect address implies a less forward and more chilled relationship with the reader. This suits the target audience of 16 - 24 year old males as they would relate to the comfortability and laid back attititude. The fact that the main focus on this music group is not the music side of it but a 'movie' aspect, it relates to the rebellious, unstereotypical ethos of the magazine. The only other image is a small picture of a January issue of NME, simply to pomote themselves so the readers continue buying NME.

The colours used are black, red and white, which together create a very stylish effect. These colours match the colours on the front cover and thus a house style is being developed. The fonts used are the plain and easy-to-read like on the cover, again to avoid messiness and keep the house style.

The contents information is on the far left, allowing room for a poweul story to capture readers' attention. This makes it seem like the actual stories and interviews are more important to the magazine than a guide on how to access the magazine. The actual contents are organised in an alphabetical sorting, unlike other magazines that simply follow a chronological order. This makes is easier to find the artists readers are interested in, making the magazine very simple to navigate.

There is a strip on the bottom of the page that works as a promotional offer; it states that a subscription with NME will allow constant readers to get an issue for 85p, which would appeal to the target audience very much who do not have a large amount of money.

On the top right corner of the contents page, there is a small NME logo. This makes the magazine appear to be humble as they are less important than the dominating Blur article. Plus, as the readers have opened up an NME magazine, they would be aware of which magazine they are reading and a dominating NME logo is not necessary inside, whereas on the front cover a consistant dominating title would make more sense.

Friday 5 February 2010

Questionnaire Result Analysis

The results of my questionnaire have provided me with information of the interests and wants of my target audience. I was able to decide on the magazine name, price and features based on these results, which are displayed below in pie charts.

My target audience would be willing to pay £2 on average for the magazine. This is a suitable price as it could potentially create a profit and is still affordable for the public.

The magazine will be published once a month, which will give me time to create the in-depth articles and gather the information for the articles featured.

Evidently, a free CD would attract consumers the most effectively, though posters would be a cheaper means and still very attractive; therefore posters would be a more suitable option for me.

Interviews appear to be the most preferred feature, so that will be the main focus of the magazine. Though I will also include artist history and in-depth articles to maintain a balance.

Clearly, a mixture of both band and single solo artist articles are the desired option by my target audience. This would make my magazine more diverse and attract a variety of customers.

Clearly, my target group want the magazine to feature somenon-famous artists so that they learn about new artists they wouldn't have had access to before.

Questions 8 and 9 have proved that 50% of my target audience currently read a magazine, meaning that I have a remaining 50% to intrigue into the world ofmusic magazines as well as the half of music-magazine readers to read my magazine too. The most commonly read magazine within this target audience are NME and Q which impies the a magazine that should influence my production decisions.

The magazine name is either going to be 'Fusion' or 'RockEar', both of which are approved by the target audience.

Proposal and Questionnaire

The genre I have chosen for my music magazine is rock, but with features of infamous artists. Rock is a demanding genre that has a vast audience that are easy to appeal to. The target audience I have chosen are 16 – 24 year old females; this magazine is needed in the market as there are no rock magazines for females even though the potential audience for it is huge.


1. How much do you think the magazine should cost?
Under £1 [ ] £1 to £1.99 [ ] £2 to £2.99 [ ] Over £3 [ ]

2. How frequently should the magazine be published?
Weekly [ ] Fortnightly [ ] Monthly [ ]

3. Which of the following would attract you more to a magazine?
‘Freebies’ [ ] Posters [ ] a free CD [ ]

4. Which of these would you prefer the magazine to consist of?
In-depth articles [ ] Interviews [ ] artist history [ ]

5. Would you want the magazine to feature mostly bands or single artists?
Band [ ] Single artists [ ] Equal mixture of both [ ]

6. Would you like non-famous artists to be featured?
Yes [ ] No [ ]

7. Do you currently read a music magazine?
Yes [ ] No [ ]

8. If yes, what magazine?

9. Which of the following do you think is the best name for this magazine?
Fusion [ ] Zilch [ ] RockEar [ ]