Friday 5 February 2010

Proposal and Questionnaire

The genre I have chosen for my music magazine is rock, but with features of infamous artists. Rock is a demanding genre that has a vast audience that are easy to appeal to. The target audience I have chosen are 16 – 24 year old females; this magazine is needed in the market as there are no rock magazines for females even though the potential audience for it is huge.


1. How much do you think the magazine should cost?
Under £1 [ ] £1 to £1.99 [ ] £2 to £2.99 [ ] Over £3 [ ]

2. How frequently should the magazine be published?
Weekly [ ] Fortnightly [ ] Monthly [ ]

3. Which of the following would attract you more to a magazine?
‘Freebies’ [ ] Posters [ ] a free CD [ ]

4. Which of these would you prefer the magazine to consist of?
In-depth articles [ ] Interviews [ ] artist history [ ]

5. Would you want the magazine to feature mostly bands or single artists?
Band [ ] Single artists [ ] Equal mixture of both [ ]

6. Would you like non-famous artists to be featured?
Yes [ ] No [ ]

7. Do you currently read a music magazine?
Yes [ ] No [ ]

8. If yes, what magazine?

9. Which of the following do you think is the best name for this magazine?
Fusion [ ] Zilch [ ] RockEar [ ]

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