Friday 5 February 2010

Questionnaire Result Analysis

The results of my questionnaire have provided me with information of the interests and wants of my target audience. I was able to decide on the magazine name, price and features based on these results, which are displayed below in pie charts.

My target audience would be willing to pay £2 on average for the magazine. This is a suitable price as it could potentially create a profit and is still affordable for the public.

The magazine will be published once a month, which will give me time to create the in-depth articles and gather the information for the articles featured.

Evidently, a free CD would attract consumers the most effectively, though posters would be a cheaper means and still very attractive; therefore posters would be a more suitable option for me.

Interviews appear to be the most preferred feature, so that will be the main focus of the magazine. Though I will also include artist history and in-depth articles to maintain a balance.

Clearly, a mixture of both band and single solo artist articles are the desired option by my target audience. This would make my magazine more diverse and attract a variety of customers.

Clearly, my target group want the magazine to feature somenon-famous artists so that they learn about new artists they wouldn't have had access to before.

Questions 8 and 9 have proved that 50% of my target audience currently read a magazine, meaning that I have a remaining 50% to intrigue into the world ofmusic magazines as well as the half of music-magazine readers to read my magazine too. The most commonly read magazine within this target audience are NME and Q which impies the a magazine that should influence my production decisions.

The magazine name is either going to be 'Fusion' or 'RockEar', both of which are approved by the target audience.

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